It now appears in the drop-down menu in Tools Choose the output style(s) and close the window.This will open the comprehensive list of output styles From the menu bar select Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager.Change your referencing style using the drop down menu in the Preview Panel.Click the small arrow in the bottom right hand corner, or drag the panel dividing line upwards to reveal the Preview Panel.Double click on a reference entry to open up the Summary Panel.

Option 1: Using the drop-down menu in the Preview Panel

There are two ways to change the referencing style in EndNote: by using the drop down menu in the Preview Panel, or by using the Tools menu. Kelleher T (2009) 'Conversational voice', Journal of Communication, 59(1):172-188, doi:10.1111/j. you add references to your library, you are able to view, preview and change your styles to accord to referencing conventions. Thomson Reuters Australia (n.d.) Table of abbreviations, Thomson Reuters Australia, accessed 20 January 2020. If the document has a DOI, enter this at the end of the reference prefixed by doi in lower case. If the PDF does not have a landing page, link to the PDF but include PDF and the file size in square brackets after the title. If you are citing a PDF do not link to the PDF but to the landing page where the PDF is hosted. If this is not possible because the document is print only, then enter the URL after the final full stop in the reference. URL links: The title of the item is hyperlinked to the URL of the item.if the work is published in multiple locations or if the location of the item impacts on the credibility of your work. Only include the place of publication if it is relevant to the user e.g. Publisher: Enter the publisher as it appears on the item.photograph, use a description of the item as the title. Titles: If there is no title on an item, e.g.'How we use mobile phones', Social Science Quarterly